San Francisco, the city I left my heart in. (Sorry, Brisbane.)
I love it so much I created a print of it. Then decided to share it so others could enjoy it too (you can get yours here).

Don't get me wrong, I love my hometown. It's fantastic. It deserves its own blog post. It might even make an appearance in a collection one day ;)
But there are just some places that call to you.
Over and over.
You know the ones... from the minute you arrive, the city sings to your beating heart, piercing it with all the things that are meaningful to you. Whether it be the people, culture, energetic pace (or lack of), nature, topography, architecture, coffee... whatever it is, there is a unique combination of things that create an unexpected explosion of love in your heart for a place you hardly know.
Isn't that the most amazing feeling?
Falling in love with a city you hardly know!
Sadly, that blossoming relationship is often short-lived. Sometimes you get to unravel the city by immersing yourself in it for weeks or months, sometimes you scratch the surface as you travel through it on a whirlwind adventure and continue to wonder about it long after you leave.

For me, the best things about San Francisco were:
The amount of adorable small dogs with friendly owners (dog-patting heaven).
The rolling fog and glittering ocean, visible from endless rolling hills that made my legs ache as much as my heart
That glorious orange marvel of a bridge
The run-out-into-traffic, wind-in-your-hair, hold-on-tight tram rides
The Mexican food. Chinese food. ALL OF THE FOOD.
The ever-inspiring design culture.
The wild, windswept coastline.
The adorable nut-stealing squirrels in the Japanese gardens at Golden Gate Park.
Five years later and I can still remember so many things about that holiday. The goosebumps that rose on my skin when we entered the heavenly-scented redwood forest, the eery quiet at twilight on Alcatraz, the beautiful and tiny private gardens spied on the windy, steep path to Coit Tower and the incredibly generous, kind and intelligent homeless man we met, who recommended us the best chinese restaurant (we went back twice).

Everything about that city made me feel alive.
Mr G hasn't yet travelled to San Francisco, but it's high on his list because:
He is a free spirit
California landscapes = cactus gardens galore.
He loves a good cocktail (SF bars are amazing).

One day in San Francisco and I knew I was in love.
One week in San Francisco and I knew I was 'home'.
One year, I'll go back (and take Mr G).
Where's your 'home'?
Display your love of San Francisco and get your limited edition fine art print here.